Monday, December 12, 2016

New SFR Sports HD 1 Frequencies and Biss key Code on Eutelsat 5 West A Satellite

One more a sports channel to you, that the SFR Sports HD 1 is located at Eutelsat 5 West A Satellite at 5.0 � W.

If you want to lock the broadcast of this channel, the following is the frequency and biss key codes of SFR Sports HD 1:
Name of Channel: SFR Sports HD 1
Name of Satellite: Eutelsat 5 West A at 5.0 � W
Frequency: 12676
Poalrity: V
Symbol Rate: 30000
Biss Key Code: 5F 23 5F E1 23 5F 23 A5

Please input this codes to your satellite decoder, Goog Luck All.

Adhoc Enc 15 and SECO-1 Frequency and Biss Key Code on Asiasat 5

Adhoc Enc 15 and SECO-1 are the feeds channel  television on Asiasat 5 Satellite. They are the sports channel (feed) for you.
Adhoc Enc 15 and SECO-1 will be active broadcasts if they are doing in an event broadcast rellay.

Here is the frequency and biss key code for Adhoc Enc 15 and SECO-1 on AsiaSat 5 Satellite:

Name of Channel: Adhoc Enc 15
Name of Satellite: AsiaSat 5 Satellite on 100.5�E
Frequency: 4166
Polarity: H
Symbol Rate: 7500
Biss Key Code: A4 13 4B 02 81 82 86 89

Name of Channel: SECO-1
Name of Satellite: AsiaSat 5 Satellite on 100.5�E
Frequency: 4070
Polarity: H
Symbol Rate: 9875
Biss Key Code: D4 F3 07 CE 8C 00 53 DF

ALKASS SNG3 HD-1 Biss Key and Frequencies Code on Asiasat 5 @ 100.5�E

AlKASS or AL-KASS is a provider of television stations that broadcast the sport from around the world, especially from the Arab region and the Middle East.

Here is a frequency code and biss key code for ALKASS Channel (Feed) on AsiaSat 5 Satellite: 
Name Of Channel: ALKASS SNG3 HD-1
Name of Satellite: Asiasat 5 @ 100.5�E
Polarity: V
Symbol Rate: 7200
Biss Key Code: 12 3D EC 3B 77 7B EA DC

Frequency and Biss key code above please make input to your satellite decoder, good luck.

GEM Sports HD Frequency and Biss Key Code on Yahsat 1A @ 52.5�E

One again, this adal new channel that is satellite Yahsat 1A @ 52.5 � E.
These channels can you connect using a dish to satellite decoder for your television.
Below is the frequencies and biss key code for GEM Sports HD Channel on Yahsat 1A @ 52.5 � E Satellite:
Name of Channel: GEM Sports HD
Name of Satellite: Yahsat 1A @ 52.5�E
Frequency: 12111
Polarity: V
Symbol Rate: 27500
Satellite Decoder : Mpeg4/FTA
Biss Key Code: FTA

So please input frequency code above on your satellite decoder. Good Luck.