Wednesday, November 2, 2016

PowerVu Key and Frequency of MTN Worldwide TV Channels on NSS 12 Satellite at 57.0�E

What are the MTN Worldwide TV channels PowerVu Key and frequency code on NSS 12 Stellite today?

Below is MTN Worldwide TV PowerVu Key, frequency and news transponders Code:

Name of Channels: MTN Worldwide TV
Name of Satellite: NSS 12 at 57.0�E
Frequency: 04137
Polarity: R
Symbol Rate: 13000/15580
PowerVu Key:
ECM Key 0: CA 68 D4 BE 51 59 18
ECM Key 1: 2C ED E7 5F A0 AC 79

We recommend that you use a receiver that already support auto automatic rolling PowerVu Code, making it easy to use.

Frequency of beIN Sports News and Biss Key Code on Nilesat at 7.0�W 2016-2017

beIN Sports Logo Pictures
beIN Sports Logo Pictures

Below is the latest news of Bein Sports channels frequences and biss key codes on Nilesat Satellite at 7.0 � W 2016-2017:
Name of Channels: 
beIN Sports 9/10 HD

beIN Max 1 HD
beIN Max 2 HD
beIN Sports News HD
beIN Sports HD
Frequency: 12245
Polarity: V
Symbol Rate: 27500
Receiver: DVB-S2/8PSK/ MPEG-4

Name of Channels:
beIN Sports
beIN Sports 1/2/3/4 HD
Frequency: 12265
Polarity: H
Symbol Rate: 27500
Receiver: DVB-S2/8PSK/MPEG-4

Name OF Channels:
beIN Caption HD
Frequency: 12284
Polarity: V
Symbol Rate: 27500
Receiver: DVB-S/QPSK/MPEG-2/MPEG-4

Name of Channel:
beIN Sports
beIN Sports 5/6/7/8 HD
Frequency: 12476
Polarity: V
Symbol Rate: 27500
Receiver: DVB-S2/8PSK/MPEG-4

Name of Channels:
beIN Caption HD
Frequency: 10853
Polarity: H
Symbol Rate: 27500
Receiver: DVB-S2/8PSK/MPEG-4

Name of Channel: beIN Caption HD info card
Frequency: 11449
Polarity: H
Symbol Rate: 27500
Receiver: DVB-S2/8PSK/ MPEG-4

Biss Key Code: please read my latest news update and Please follow our facebook fanspage, thanks you, and good luck for you all.

Biss Key Code and Frequency of BeIN Sports France Channel on Eutelsat 10A at 10.0�E

Whate the code of Biss Key and frequency of BeIN Sports France on Eutelsat 10A satellite at 10.0�E today?
beIN Sports Logo
beIN Sports Logo

Below are latest news of Biss Key and frequency codes for France Bein Sports channels and satellite transponders on Eutelsat 10A

Name of Channel: Bein Sports France
Name Of Satellite: Eutelsat 10A at 10.0�E
Frequency: 12739
Polarity: V
Symbol Rate: 10000
Biss Key Code: A1 B2 91 E4 91 C3 D4 28

Likewise latest news from France Bein Sports channel biss key and frequency code, good luck.

PowerVu keys and Frequency Code of SIS Digital, BBC World News South Asia on Intelsat 20 at 68.5�E

What are the PowerVu Keys Code and frequency of SIS Digital, BBC World News South Asia channel on Intelsat 20 satellite at 68.5�E today?

Below is PowerVu Key and frequency codes for channels SIS Digital, BBC World News South Asia and also the latest frequency on Intelsat 20 satellite at 68.5�E and new transponders:
Name of Channels:

Name of Satellite: Intelsat 20 at 68.5�E
Name of Channels:
  • SIS Digital
  • BBC World News South Asia
Frequency: 04066
Polarity:  H
Symbol Rate: 19850
PowerVu Key Code:
ECM Key 0: D0FB28 84F2 91A900
ECM Key 1: D6D2 16CF88 62B400

PowerVu Keys of HBO South Asia, CNN International South Asia on Intelsat 20 at 68.5�E

What are the powervu code of HBO South Asia, CNN International South Asia channels on Intelsat 20 at 68.5�E satellite and frequency for today?
Below is PowerVu Key and frequency codes for channels HBO South Asia, CNN International South Asia on Intelsat 20 at 68.5 � E and the transponder:
Name of Channels:
  • HBO South Asia
  • HBO India
  • CNN International South Asia
Name of Satellite: Intelsat 20 at 68.5�E

Frequency: 03974
Polarity: H
Symbol Rate: 19500
PowerVu Key:
ECM Key 0: 1D 6B 13 49 B5 52 FB
ECM Key 1: B2 C5 A2 7C 8F 26 D2

PowerVu Keys of Universal Networks on Apstar 7 at 76.5�E and Frequency

What is the PowerVu Keys code of Universal Networks channel on Apstar 7 at 76.5�E to day?

Below is a frequency code of the Universal Network in Apstar 7 at 76.5 � E and also PowerVu Key code:

Apstar 7 at 76.5�E
Universal Networks
3720 29620
Key0: 01 23 45 67 89 AB CD
Key1: 82 C0 EF D8 2E AF 93