Friday, October 21, 2016

PATH-B Biss Key Code, Frequency On Asiasat 5 Satellite at 100.5�E

PATH-B is one of the TV channels that are on AsiaSat 5 satellite at 100.5 � E.
Below are the key codes for channels biss PATH-B and frequency and transponders:
Name of Channel:PATH-B
Name of Satellite:Asiasat 5 Satellite at 100.5�E
Frequency: 03686
Polarity: H
Symbol Rate: 07119
Biss Key Code: AB CD AC 24 BD AC BD 26
dish (illustration)

Thus the information to the PATH-B channels on AsiaSat 5 satellite, and please make automatic or manual search on your TV receiver, good luck and thank you.

ATV T�rkiye Biss Key Code, Frequency on T�rksat 3A/4A at 42.0�E

ATV T�rkiye is one of the TV channels originating from the country of Turkey on satellite Turksat 3A / 4A at 42.0 � E.
Below is a transponder, frequency, key danbiss T�rkiye Code for ATV channel:

Nmae of Channel: ATV T�rkiye
Name of Satellite: T�rksat 3A/4A at 42.0�E
Frequency: 12054
Polarity: H (Horizontal)
Symbol Rate:  27500
Biss Key Code: 73 E4 B6 0D 4C 84 EA BA

dish (illustration)
Such information about the channel ATV T�rkiye, therefore please do a search of the channel on the satellite Turksat 3A / 4A at 42.0 � E on your television receivers, good luck. Thanks.

VTV Group ECM Key Tandberg, Frequency on Vinasat 1 (132.0�E) C Band

VTV group is a Premium provider Television channels to the satellite Vinasat 1.
Below is VTV ECM Group Key Tandberg, Frequency code on Vinasat 1 (132.0 � E) C Band:

Name of channel: VTV Group
Name of Satellite: Vinasat 1 (132.0�E) C Band
Frequency: 03590
Polarity: V (Vertical)
Symbol Rate: 19200 (Tandberg)
ECM KEY Tandberg Code:
T 000001 01 1320 3590 5FDB06AA1364E500 :VTV
T 0003E8 01 1320 3590 8BAD71EFB7A83C00 :VTV 2
T 0003E9 01 1320 3590 8BAD71EFB7A83C00 :VTV 3
T 0003EA 01 1320 3590 8BAD71EFB7A83C00 :VTV 4
T 0003EB 01 1320 3590 8BAD71EFB7A83C00 :VTV 5
T 0003EC 01 1320 3590 8BAD71EFB7A83C00 :VTV 6
T 0003ED 01 1320 3590 8BAD71EFB7A83C00 :VTV 7
T 001ED5 01 1320 3590 67A8578D03D5C400 :VTV 8
T 002706 01 1320 3590 D22D9D72FBB4B200 :VTV 9

dish (illustration)
Therefore, please look for broadcast on the satellite receiver Vinasat 1 on your TV, good luck.

Frequency, Biss Key Code of AC Milan Tv on AsiaSat 5 Satellite at 100.5�E

AC Milan TV channel is a "feed" which broadcasts from the soccer club AC Milan (ITALY). AC Milan TV is currently on AsiaSat 5 satellite which at 100.5 � E direction.
Here is the code frequencies and transponders as well as biss key for AC Milan TV Channel:

Name of channel:AC Milan Tv (ITNFI)
Name of Satellite: AsiaSat 5 at 100.5�E
Frequency: 04165
Polarity: H (Horizontal)
Symbol Rate: 04937
Biss Key Code: 4C 64 D9 89 E1 4E DE 00

AsiaSat 5 Satellite at 100.5�E
AsiaSat 5 Satellite at 100.5�E

Therefore please try to find the AC Milan TV channel on AsiaSat 5 satellite at 100.5 � E on your satellite dish receivers, and good luck. Thank you.

Biss Key Code beIN SPORT Channel on Eutelsat 10A at 10.0�E Satellite

Bein Sport Channel is a premium channel that broadcast the best football leagues of the countries in the world. Here is the latest frequencies and transponder codes for Bein Sports Channel on Eutelsat 10A at 10.0 � E Satellite:
Name of Satellite: Eutelsat 10A at 10.0�E
Name Of Channels: BeIN SPORT
Frequency: 12739
Polarity: V
Symbol Rate: 10000
Biss Key Code: B2 D1 30 B3 11 21 C1 F3
beIN SPORT Channel on Eutelsat 10A
beIN SPORT Channel on Eutelsat 10A (pic: Biss Key Pakistan)

Therefore please try to find Bein Sports channel on Eutelsat 10A at 10.0 � E in your receiver, and good luck. Thank you

Friday, October 14, 2016

Frequency TV and PowerVu Key of All Channels on Measat 3 Satellite and Others

Below is a list of all channels in The PowerVu key and frequency on Measat 3 Satellite and Astro Warna Group and Apstar 7 at76,5 0E and Telstar 18 at138, 0E and Intelsat 20 at 68,5 0E and than Asiasat 3/7 satellite:

Satellite Name: New" Measat 3'A| 91'5 0E"
DVB S2/4 Mpg/PVR. Key P/VU
Frequency TV: 3717 H 7500
$ 00~ EC 1F 51 45 FA 9C 28
$ 01~ 42 78 48 31 5A 5F 44

Channel Name:  PBO Channel, Solar
00 = EC 1F 51 45 FA 9C 28
01 = 42 78 48 31 5A 5F 44
Channel Name: AXN Group
Frequency TV: 4120 V 29701
$ 00~ 5937 40E4 8A04 F6
$ 01~ 701D B9E5 9463 11
Channel Name: BBC Earth. BBC Channels
Frequency TV: 3840 V 29720
$ 00~ 02B7 681B 2066 84
$ 01~ 06B3 301A 6ABD AD
Channel Name: History HD Group
Frequency TV: 3760 V 29700
$ 00~ DAE6 9F8B 6E01 06
$ 01~ E0DE 2F89 03AE 55
Channel Name: Jack Tv. Jack City
Frequency TV: 3641 V 13333
$ 00~ 2A9A EA4B A7C8 B7
$ 01~ 3693 702E 6710 0D
Channel Name: Solar Sabong
Frequency TV: 3612 V 3300
$ 00~ 1234 5678 90AB CD
$ 01~ DCBA 0987 6543 21
Satellite Name: Astro Warna Group
Frequency TV: 3727 H 9833
$ 00~ FF58 93FD 9E88 16
$ 01~ 870E 18CB 30B8 65
Satellite Name: Apstar 7| 76,5 0E
Channel Name: Sony Ea HD Group
Frequency TV: 3921 H 28340
$ 00~ AD5C DBA9 9150 5A
$ 01~ 3A1A CF22 8051 51
Satellite Name: Intelsat 20| 68,5 0E
Channel Name: HB0
Frequency TV: 3974 H 19500
$ 00~F3E5 F7DE 50F4 CD
$ 01~3B06 E14C 4CF3 A7
Satellite Name: Telstar 18| 138, 0E
Channel Name: AXN HD
Frequency TV: 3703 V 4444
$ 00~5937 40EA 8A04 F6
$ 01~701D B9E5 9463 11
Channel Name: Global Ch. US
Frequency TV: 3847 H 4444
$ 00~F5B8 9B9C 0FFF 45
$ 01~27E4 E046 3864 84
Satellite Name: Asiasat 3/7,
Channel Name: Sony Leplek HD
Frequency TV: 4180 V 30000
$ 00~1137 54C6 C0CE E1
$ 01~0910 927B E3F5 CF

Satelit Name: Measat 3 (91,5 BT)
Channel Name:
  • CT
  • Solar Sports
  • BTV (BasketballTV)
  • Jack TV
  • 2nd Avenue
  • ETC
  • NBA Premium TV
Frequency: 4012 V 10000 (C Band)
00 = 38 B6 5A 08 5C B5 5A
01 = EE 86 E8 F1 3D 54 8A