Monday, December 12, 2016

New SFR Sports HD 1 Frequencies and Biss key Code on Eutelsat 5 West A Satellite

One more a sports channel to you, that the SFR Sports HD 1 is located at Eutelsat 5 West A Satellite at 5.0 � W.

If you want to lock the broadcast of this channel, the following is the frequency and biss key codes of SFR Sports HD 1:
Name of Channel: SFR Sports HD 1
Name of Satellite: Eutelsat 5 West A at 5.0 � W
Frequency: 12676
Poalrity: V
Symbol Rate: 30000
Biss Key Code: 5F 23 5F E1 23 5F 23 A5

Please input this codes to your satellite decoder, Goog Luck All.

Adhoc Enc 15 and SECO-1 Frequency and Biss Key Code on Asiasat 5

Adhoc Enc 15 and SECO-1 are the feeds channel  television on Asiasat 5 Satellite. They are the sports channel (feed) for you.
Adhoc Enc 15 and SECO-1 will be active broadcasts if they are doing in an event broadcast rellay.

Here is the frequency and biss key code for Adhoc Enc 15 and SECO-1 on AsiaSat 5 Satellite:

Name of Channel: Adhoc Enc 15
Name of Satellite: AsiaSat 5 Satellite on 100.5�E
Frequency: 4166
Polarity: H
Symbol Rate: 7500
Biss Key Code: A4 13 4B 02 81 82 86 89

Name of Channel: SECO-1
Name of Satellite: AsiaSat 5 Satellite on 100.5�E
Frequency: 4070
Polarity: H
Symbol Rate: 9875
Biss Key Code: D4 F3 07 CE 8C 00 53 DF

ALKASS SNG3 HD-1 Biss Key and Frequencies Code on Asiasat 5 @ 100.5�E

AlKASS or AL-KASS is a provider of television stations that broadcast the sport from around the world, especially from the Arab region and the Middle East.

Here is a frequency code and biss key code for ALKASS Channel (Feed) on AsiaSat 5 Satellite: 
Name Of Channel: ALKASS SNG3 HD-1
Name of Satellite: Asiasat 5 @ 100.5�E
Polarity: V
Symbol Rate: 7200
Biss Key Code: 12 3D EC 3B 77 7B EA DC

Frequency and Biss key code above please make input to your satellite decoder, good luck.

GEM Sports HD Frequency and Biss Key Code on Yahsat 1A @ 52.5�E

One again, this adal new channel that is satellite Yahsat 1A @ 52.5 � E.
These channels can you connect using a dish to satellite decoder for your television.
Below is the frequencies and biss key code for GEM Sports HD Channel on Yahsat 1A @ 52.5 � E Satellite:
Name of Channel: GEM Sports HD
Name of Satellite: Yahsat 1A @ 52.5�E
Frequency: 12111
Polarity: V
Symbol Rate: 27500
Satellite Decoder : Mpeg4/FTA
Biss Key Code: FTA

So please input frequency code above on your satellite decoder. Good Luck.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

PowerVu Key and Frequency of MTN Worldwide TV Channels on NSS 12 Satellite at 57.0�E

What are the MTN Worldwide TV channels PowerVu Key and frequency code on NSS 12 Stellite today?

Below is MTN Worldwide TV PowerVu Key, frequency and news transponders Code:

Name of Channels: MTN Worldwide TV
Name of Satellite: NSS 12 at 57.0�E
Frequency: 04137
Polarity: R
Symbol Rate: 13000/15580
PowerVu Key:
ECM Key 0: CA 68 D4 BE 51 59 18
ECM Key 1: 2C ED E7 5F A0 AC 79

We recommend that you use a receiver that already support auto automatic rolling PowerVu Code, making it easy to use.

Frequency of beIN Sports News and Biss Key Code on Nilesat at 7.0�W 2016-2017

beIN Sports Logo Pictures
beIN Sports Logo Pictures

Below is the latest news of Bein Sports channels frequences and biss key codes on Nilesat Satellite at 7.0 � W 2016-2017:
Name of Channels: 
beIN Sports 9/10 HD

beIN Max 1 HD
beIN Max 2 HD
beIN Sports News HD
beIN Sports HD
Frequency: 12245
Polarity: V
Symbol Rate: 27500
Receiver: DVB-S2/8PSK/ MPEG-4

Name of Channels:
beIN Sports
beIN Sports 1/2/3/4 HD
Frequency: 12265
Polarity: H
Symbol Rate: 27500
Receiver: DVB-S2/8PSK/MPEG-4

Name OF Channels:
beIN Caption HD
Frequency: 12284
Polarity: V
Symbol Rate: 27500
Receiver: DVB-S/QPSK/MPEG-2/MPEG-4

Name of Channel:
beIN Sports
beIN Sports 5/6/7/8 HD
Frequency: 12476
Polarity: V
Symbol Rate: 27500
Receiver: DVB-S2/8PSK/MPEG-4

Name of Channels:
beIN Caption HD
Frequency: 10853
Polarity: H
Symbol Rate: 27500
Receiver: DVB-S2/8PSK/MPEG-4

Name of Channel: beIN Caption HD info card
Frequency: 11449
Polarity: H
Symbol Rate: 27500
Receiver: DVB-S2/8PSK/ MPEG-4

Biss Key Code: please read my latest news update and Please follow our facebook fanspage, thanks you, and good luck for you all.

Biss Key Code and Frequency of BeIN Sports France Channel on Eutelsat 10A at 10.0�E

Whate the code of Biss Key and frequency of BeIN Sports France on Eutelsat 10A satellite at 10.0�E today?
beIN Sports Logo
beIN Sports Logo

Below are latest news of Biss Key and frequency codes for France Bein Sports channels and satellite transponders on Eutelsat 10A

Name of Channel: Bein Sports France
Name Of Satellite: Eutelsat 10A at 10.0�E
Frequency: 12739
Polarity: V
Symbol Rate: 10000
Biss Key Code: A1 B2 91 E4 91 C3 D4 28

Likewise latest news from France Bein Sports channel biss key and frequency code, good luck.

PowerVu keys and Frequency Code of SIS Digital, BBC World News South Asia on Intelsat 20 at 68.5�E

What are the PowerVu Keys Code and frequency of SIS Digital, BBC World News South Asia channel on Intelsat 20 satellite at 68.5�E today?

Below is PowerVu Key and frequency codes for channels SIS Digital, BBC World News South Asia and also the latest frequency on Intelsat 20 satellite at 68.5�E and new transponders:
Name of Channels:

Name of Satellite: Intelsat 20 at 68.5�E
Name of Channels:
  • SIS Digital
  • BBC World News South Asia
Frequency: 04066
Polarity:  H
Symbol Rate: 19850
PowerVu Key Code:
ECM Key 0: D0FB28 84F2 91A900
ECM Key 1: D6D2 16CF88 62B400

PowerVu Keys of HBO South Asia, CNN International South Asia on Intelsat 20 at 68.5�E

What are the powervu code of HBO South Asia, CNN International South Asia channels on Intelsat 20 at 68.5�E satellite and frequency for today?
Below is PowerVu Key and frequency codes for channels HBO South Asia, CNN International South Asia on Intelsat 20 at 68.5 � E and the transponder:
Name of Channels:
  • HBO South Asia
  • HBO India
  • CNN International South Asia
Name of Satellite: Intelsat 20 at 68.5�E

Frequency: 03974
Polarity: H
Symbol Rate: 19500
PowerVu Key:
ECM Key 0: 1D 6B 13 49 B5 52 FB
ECM Key 1: B2 C5 A2 7C 8F 26 D2

PowerVu Keys of Universal Networks on Apstar 7 at 76.5�E and Frequency

What is the PowerVu Keys code of Universal Networks channel on Apstar 7 at 76.5�E to day?

Below is a frequency code of the Universal Network in Apstar 7 at 76.5 � E and also PowerVu Key code:

Apstar 7 at 76.5�E
Universal Networks
3720 29620
Key0: 01 23 45 67 89 AB CD
Key1: 82 C0 EF D8 2E AF 93

Friday, October 21, 2016

PATH-B Biss Key Code, Frequency On Asiasat 5 Satellite at 100.5�E

PATH-B is one of the TV channels that are on AsiaSat 5 satellite at 100.5 � E.
Below are the key codes for channels biss PATH-B and frequency and transponders:
Name of Channel:PATH-B
Name of Satellite:Asiasat 5 Satellite at 100.5�E
Frequency: 03686
Polarity: H
Symbol Rate: 07119
Biss Key Code: AB CD AC 24 BD AC BD 26
dish (illustration)

Thus the information to the PATH-B channels on AsiaSat 5 satellite, and please make automatic or manual search on your TV receiver, good luck and thank you.

ATV T�rkiye Biss Key Code, Frequency on T�rksat 3A/4A at 42.0�E

ATV T�rkiye is one of the TV channels originating from the country of Turkey on satellite Turksat 3A / 4A at 42.0 � E.
Below is a transponder, frequency, key danbiss T�rkiye Code for ATV channel:

Nmae of Channel: ATV T�rkiye
Name of Satellite: T�rksat 3A/4A at 42.0�E
Frequency: 12054
Polarity: H (Horizontal)
Symbol Rate:  27500
Biss Key Code: 73 E4 B6 0D 4C 84 EA BA

dish (illustration)
Such information about the channel ATV T�rkiye, therefore please do a search of the channel on the satellite Turksat 3A / 4A at 42.0 � E on your television receivers, good luck. Thanks.

VTV Group ECM Key Tandberg, Frequency on Vinasat 1 (132.0�E) C Band

VTV group is a Premium provider Television channels to the satellite Vinasat 1.
Below is VTV ECM Group Key Tandberg, Frequency code on Vinasat 1 (132.0 � E) C Band:

Name of channel: VTV Group
Name of Satellite: Vinasat 1 (132.0�E) C Band
Frequency: 03590
Polarity: V (Vertical)
Symbol Rate: 19200 (Tandberg)
ECM KEY Tandberg Code:
T 000001 01 1320 3590 5FDB06AA1364E500 :VTV
T 0003E8 01 1320 3590 8BAD71EFB7A83C00 :VTV 2
T 0003E9 01 1320 3590 8BAD71EFB7A83C00 :VTV 3
T 0003EA 01 1320 3590 8BAD71EFB7A83C00 :VTV 4
T 0003EB 01 1320 3590 8BAD71EFB7A83C00 :VTV 5
T 0003EC 01 1320 3590 8BAD71EFB7A83C00 :VTV 6
T 0003ED 01 1320 3590 8BAD71EFB7A83C00 :VTV 7
T 001ED5 01 1320 3590 67A8578D03D5C400 :VTV 8
T 002706 01 1320 3590 D22D9D72FBB4B200 :VTV 9

dish (illustration)
Therefore, please look for broadcast on the satellite receiver Vinasat 1 on your TV, good luck.

Frequency, Biss Key Code of AC Milan Tv on AsiaSat 5 Satellite at 100.5�E

AC Milan TV channel is a "feed" which broadcasts from the soccer club AC Milan (ITALY). AC Milan TV is currently on AsiaSat 5 satellite which at 100.5 � E direction.
Here is the code frequencies and transponders as well as biss key for AC Milan TV Channel:

Name of channel:AC Milan Tv (ITNFI)
Name of Satellite: AsiaSat 5 at 100.5�E
Frequency: 04165
Polarity: H (Horizontal)
Symbol Rate: 04937
Biss Key Code: 4C 64 D9 89 E1 4E DE 00

AsiaSat 5 Satellite at 100.5�E
AsiaSat 5 Satellite at 100.5�E

Therefore please try to find the AC Milan TV channel on AsiaSat 5 satellite at 100.5 � E on your satellite dish receivers, and good luck. Thank you.

Biss Key Code beIN SPORT Channel on Eutelsat 10A at 10.0�E Satellite

Bein Sport Channel is a premium channel that broadcast the best football leagues of the countries in the world. Here is the latest frequencies and transponder codes for Bein Sports Channel on Eutelsat 10A at 10.0 � E Satellite:
Name of Satellite: Eutelsat 10A at 10.0�E
Name Of Channels: BeIN SPORT
Frequency: 12739
Polarity: V
Symbol Rate: 10000
Biss Key Code: B2 D1 30 B3 11 21 C1 F3
beIN SPORT Channel on Eutelsat 10A
beIN SPORT Channel on Eutelsat 10A (pic: Biss Key Pakistan)

Therefore please try to find Bein Sports channel on Eutelsat 10A at 10.0 � E in your receiver, and good luck. Thank you

Friday, October 14, 2016

Frequency TV and PowerVu Key of All Channels on Measat 3 Satellite and Others

Below is a list of all channels in The PowerVu key and frequency on Measat 3 Satellite and Astro Warna Group and Apstar 7 at76,5 0E and Telstar 18 at138, 0E and Intelsat 20 at 68,5 0E and than Asiasat 3/7 satellite:

Satellite Name: New" Measat 3'A| 91'5 0E"
DVB S2/4 Mpg/PVR. Key P/VU
Frequency TV: 3717 H 7500
$ 00~ EC 1F 51 45 FA 9C 28
$ 01~ 42 78 48 31 5A 5F 44

Channel Name:  PBO Channel, Solar
00 = EC 1F 51 45 FA 9C 28
01 = 42 78 48 31 5A 5F 44
Channel Name: AXN Group
Frequency TV: 4120 V 29701
$ 00~ 5937 40E4 8A04 F6
$ 01~ 701D B9E5 9463 11
Channel Name: BBC Earth. BBC Channels
Frequency TV: 3840 V 29720
$ 00~ 02B7 681B 2066 84
$ 01~ 06B3 301A 6ABD AD
Channel Name: History HD Group
Frequency TV: 3760 V 29700
$ 00~ DAE6 9F8B 6E01 06
$ 01~ E0DE 2F89 03AE 55
Channel Name: Jack Tv. Jack City
Frequency TV: 3641 V 13333
$ 00~ 2A9A EA4B A7C8 B7
$ 01~ 3693 702E 6710 0D
Channel Name: Solar Sabong
Frequency TV: 3612 V 3300
$ 00~ 1234 5678 90AB CD
$ 01~ DCBA 0987 6543 21
Satellite Name: Astro Warna Group
Frequency TV: 3727 H 9833
$ 00~ FF58 93FD 9E88 16
$ 01~ 870E 18CB 30B8 65
Satellite Name: Apstar 7| 76,5 0E
Channel Name: Sony Ea HD Group
Frequency TV: 3921 H 28340
$ 00~ AD5C DBA9 9150 5A
$ 01~ 3A1A CF22 8051 51
Satellite Name: Intelsat 20| 68,5 0E
Channel Name: HB0
Frequency TV: 3974 H 19500
$ 00~F3E5 F7DE 50F4 CD
$ 01~3B06 E14C 4CF3 A7
Satellite Name: Telstar 18| 138, 0E
Channel Name: AXN HD
Frequency TV: 3703 V 4444
$ 00~5937 40EA 8A04 F6
$ 01~701D B9E5 9463 11
Channel Name: Global Ch. US
Frequency TV: 3847 H 4444
$ 00~F5B8 9B9C 0FFF 45
$ 01~27E4 E046 3864 84
Satellite Name: Asiasat 3/7,
Channel Name: Sony Leplek HD
Frequency TV: 4180 V 30000
$ 00~1137 54C6 C0CE E1
$ 01~0910 927B E3F5 CF

Satelit Name: Measat 3 (91,5 BT)
Channel Name:
  • CT
  • Solar Sports
  • BTV (BasketballTV)
  • Jack TV
  • 2nd Avenue
  • ETC
  • NBA Premium TV
Frequency: 4012 V 10000 (C Band)
00 = 38 B6 5A 08 5C B5 5A
01 = EE 86 E8 F1 3D 54 8A

Sunday, September 11, 2016

TV ONE and ANTV Biss Key Code on Palapa D and Telkom 1 Satellite

Do you know about TV One and ANTV? TV ONE and ANTV are channels that come from countries Indonesia, which is located in one company.
Channel TV ONE are in the transponder of the satellite Palapa D while the ANTV is at Telkom 1 transponder.

Below are details of transponder code and code biss key for channel TV ONE and ANTV:
tv one
tv one

Nameof Channel: TV One
Name of Satellite: Palapa D at 113.0 � E
Frequency: 03786
Polarity: Horizontal / H
Symbol Rate: 05 630
Biss Key Code: 1234 56 9C 654321 C9
Receiver type: MPEG 2


Name of Channel: ANTV
Name of Satellite: Telkom 1 at 108.0 � E
Frequency: 04016
Polarity: H
Symbol Rate: 06000
Biss Key Code: 99 2613 33 75 95 99 31
Receiver type: MPEG2

iNews TV Biss Key Code and TP on Palapa D (113.0�E)

Do you know about iNews TV? iNews TV Channel is one of the television channels originating from Indonesia country. iNews TV is a channel that broadcast news from Indonesia and world news. For those of you who want to be able to get the broadcast, please understand transponder and codes below.
Currently iNews TV channel broadcast AFF Cup soccer under-19 which Vietnam became the host.
iNews TV
iNews TV
Below are details of transponder codes and frequencies as well as the code biss key for iNews TV channel:

Name of Channel: iNews TV (H.264)
Name of Satellite: Palapa (113.0�E )
Frequency: 3774
Polarity: H
Symbol Rate: 6500 (C Band)
SID: 0008
Type of Rexceiver: Mpeg4 / Sd / Fta

Name of Channel: iNews TV (MPEG2)
Frequency: 4186
Polarity: V
Symbol Rate: 8800
SID: 0007
Type of Rexceiver: Mpeg2 / Sd / Fta
Biss key code: 18 42 B2 0C C8 78 4C 8C

RCTI Biss Key Code and TP on Palapa D 113.0�E

RCTI television channel is one that comes from Indonesia which is the first private television station. Broadcasts on channel RCTI unbiased news and entertainment as well as sports such as football. RCTI is currently being televised from Indonesia to obtain rights to broadcast live English Premier League/EPL with MNCTV. on 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 and 2018-2019.
Signal quality of the channel RCTI is good, then please lock the frequency.

Below are details of transponders code and code biss key for channel RCTI in Satellite Palapa D:

Name of Channel: RCTI (H.264)
Name of Satellite: Palapa (113.0�E)
Freq: 3937
Polarity: H
Symbol Rate: 7200

And than it:
SID: 0006
V: 1110
A: 1120
P: 1110
Receiver Model: Mpeg4 / Sd / Fta

Name Channel: RCTI (MPEG2)
Freq: 4186
Polarity: V
Symbol Rate: 8800
SID: 0005
Receiver Model: mpeg2 / Sd / Fta

Biss Key Code: 15 E7 2E 2A B7 0E 04 C9
  • 18 3D D0 25 A9 85 A8 D6
  • 30 E7 F7 0E 2B 99 4A 0E
  • 4240 0183 0471 59CE

MNCTV Channel Biss key Code and TP on Palapa D Satellite

MNCTV is one of the private television channel coming from the country of Indonesia. MNC TV now has the rights to broadcast the English football leagues EPL directly. If you want to get the broadcast, please lock and make sure your dish antenna direction to position the Palapa D satellite at 113.0 � E.

Name of Channel: MNC TV (H.264)
Name of Satellite: Palapa D at 113.0�E
Frequency: 3774
Polarity: H
Symbol Rate: 6500 (C Band)
SID: 0002
Receiver Type: Mpeg4 / Sd / Fta


Name of Channel: MNCTV (MPEG2)
Frequency: 4186
Polarity: V
Symbol Rate: 8800
SID: 0001
Receiver Type: Mpeg2 / Sd / Fta
Biss Key Code: 1249 D12C F8A7 E483
  • 4B2A A116 43C2 1A1F
    • 3A CB B7 BC 4F 52 7A 1B
    • 3C49 ED72 CFEE E09D

    Global TV (GTV) Biss Key Code and TP on Palapa D Satellite Now

    Do you know about the code of Global TV ( GTV ) biss key code in the Palapa D is the latest to now?
    Global TV is a television channel from Indonesia where he is currently broadcasting live F1 GP.

    Global TV Channel
    Global TV Channel

    And here is a transponders, frequency and code channel biss key for Global TV in Satellite Palapa D:
    Name of Channel: GTV (H.264)
    Name of Satellite: Palapa D @ 113.0 � E
    Frequency: 3937
    Polarity: H
    Symbol Rate: 7200 (C Band)
    SID: 0004
    Receiver Type: Mpeg4 / Sd / Fta

    Name of Channel : TV (MPEG2)
    Frequency: 4186
    Polarity: V
    Symbol rate: 8800
    SID: 0003
    Receiver Type: mpeg2 / Sd / Fta
    Biss Key Code: 37 01 2C 64 A7 A9 D3 7D

    Wednesday, September 7, 2016

    All Channels on LaoSat 1 @ 128.5�E and Latest Frequency, Transponders

    When LaoSat 1 Satellite frequency of transponder it on domination by channels of the Country of China, Cambodia, Laos, Japan, Korea and Thailand, and also for each one transponders on content by a majority channels from different countries. Moreover, the majority of channel It support by events program schedule or EPG.

    Satellite monitoring results LaoSat 1 @ 128.5 E, active for 3 Transponder and 47 of Channel SD & HD (Ku and C Band).
    1. 10790 H 40000
    2. 10730 V 40000
    3. 10790 V 3100 (Not Found)
    Latest Updates Latest From LAOSAT Satellite:
    New Transponders: 10790 H 40000
    All Channels:
    • CCTV 5+ HD
    • GOLF China
    • Warner TV HD
    • FOX Thailand
    • PPTV HD
    • One HD
    • CH 7
    • CH 8
    • T Sport
    • CCTV 2
    • CCTV 15
    • Dong Fang TV
    • CNC World English
    • CNC World
    • Thai 9 Family
    • Thai PBS
    • NBT
    • Spring News
    • Workpoint
    • TNN 24
    • Amarin TV
    • Sabaidee TV
    • Thai 2
    • Mono 29
    • GMM 25
    New Transponders: 10732 V 40000
    All Channels:
    • Beijing TV
    • Hunan TV
    • Zhejiang TV
    • LNTV 1 (Terdeteksi Biss)
    • LNTV 3
    • Anhui TV
    • Phoenix News
    • Russia Today
    • Aljazerra
    • NHK
    • TV5 Monde HD
    • KBS World HD
    • Jiangsu TV
    • CCTV News
    • Euro News
    • Thai 9 HD
    • Toonami
    • Boomerang
    • TNN 24
    • Thai Rathd
    • TV3 Family
    • Thai TV 5

    Not to Know It Definitely Is In Later Chanel Chanel Premium It Could Be In Experience In FTA Or Will Become PayTV Or Even Will Di Encryption With Biss. PowerVu, Tandberg or other Encryptions?
    Please wait for the update of information from us, thank you .

    Friday, August 26, 2016

    IMG Asia Biss Key and Tandberg ECM Key Code of Feed on Asiasat 5 Satellite

    Do you know about the code biss key and ECM Key Tandberg of IMG Asia are now?
    IMG Asia is a Feed in AsiaSat 5 satellite that broadcast the English Premier League EPL football directly.
    IMG Asia using an encryption code in the form of biss and TANDBERG.
    We will give you a code and code biss key ECM Key Tandberg 's Channel feed IMG Asia.
    Asiasat 5 Satellite
    Asiasat 5 Satellite

    Here is a transponder code and Biss Key and Key ECM for channel feed IMG Asia on AsiaSat 5 satellite:

    Id Name: IMG ASIA
    Satellite Name: Asiasat 5at 100.5�E

    Frequency: 3700
    Polarity: V
    Symbol Rate: 30000
    Receiver: Mpeg4/Hd/TandbergV2/Tandberg Versi 2

    ECM Key Tandberg Code:
    [Emu] Key found in EMM: T 0691 01 43D8ADF8BBCAD900
    [Emu] Key found in EMM: T 06CC 01 3A895BF6A9E10D00
    [Emu] Key found in EMM: T 06AF 01 191547A11D534500
    [Emu] Key found in EMM: T 06A9 01 1F3CEF98BDDAD000
    [Emu] Key found in EMM: T 069A 01 800123885DA12500
    [Emu] Key found in EMM: T 0699 01 9BD67458CF5DA900
    [Emu] Key found in EMM: T 0694 01 EB62121C009B8A00
    [Emu] Key found in EMM: T 0002 01 5FDB06DA9DAEC000
    [Emu] Key found in EMM: T 0693 01 E71E624D1EDB3B00
    [Emu] Key found in EMM: T 06A2 01 BF538FA113116D00
    [Emu] Key found in EMM: T 06A0 01 F61D2EA2C8AA9F00
    [Emu] Key found in EMM: T 06AE 01 C59BE490A41A6D00
    [Emu] Key found in EMM: T 691 01 43D8ADF8BBCAD900
    [Emu] Key found in EMM: T 696 01 559DBE62B3947A00
    [Emu] Key found in EMM: T 69B 01 C6825C05FD5DC700
    [Emu] Key found in EMM: T 69C 01 C122F250366C2F00
    [Emu] Key found in EMM: T 69D 01 27904CA5A5A7D700
    [Emu] Key found in EMM: T 69E 01 4618FCB0B03AAF00
    [Emu] Key found in EMM: T 69F 01 428EBDA9392D9200
    [Emu] Key found in EMM: T 732 01 471823A19AD12A00
    [Emu] Key found in EMM: T 733 01 28E3A4D760AADB00
    [Emu] Key found in EMM: T 734 01 C7A5EC661593B700
    [Emu] Key found in EMM: T 73A 01 E0B5E5A27365CA00
    [Emu] Key found in EMM: T 73B 01 30AF7C8EA1FA2D00
    [Emu] Key found in EMM: T 73C 01 FCE9AADC7EE94E00
    [Emu] Key found in EMM: T 73D 01 5CB3E08118CE8200
    [Emu] Key found in EMM: T 73E 01 00C86DFFCF808E00
    [Emu] Key found in EMM: T 739 01 5BC3595F03963B00
    [Emu] Key found in EMM: T 11DB 01 56FB29940D880B00

    Biss Key Code: BC 56 88 9A AD EE DC 77

    Latest PTV Sports Biss Key and Frequency Code on Paksat 1R

    What do you know about the channel PTV Sports residing on Paksat 1R satellite at 38.0 � E ?
    Chanel This is a channel that has the audience very much in pakistan countries and countries in Asia .
    This TV Channel broadcast sporting events from around the world .

    For those of you who want to lock channelini please read the latest transponders code below.

    PTV Sports
    PTV Sports

    Here is freuency code and biss key for channel PTV Sports:
    Channel Name: PTV Sports
    Satellite Name: Paksat 1R at 38.0� E

    Freq: 4005
    Polarity: V/Vertical
    Symbol Rate: 15555
    SID: 0004
    Biss Key Code:
    • F7E9 A7AA 1957 CDAA
    • F7E9 A700 1957 CD00
    • F7E9 A7AB 1957 CDAB
    • F7E9 A7CC 1957 CDCC
    • F7E9 A7EE 1957 CDEE
    • 51 32 13 CC 9A DD EC CC

    Saturday, August 20, 2016

    PAK Vs IRE Cricket Match Biss Key on Asiasat

    PAK Vs IRE Cricket Match Asiasat 7@105.5 East
    Tp 3678 v 7200
    MPEG-4 HD

    Biss Key:- ABBA 56BB 74DC ABFB

    Wednesday, August 3, 2016

    English Premier League (EPL) Feed Channel Key on Asiasat 5 Satellite

    English Premier League 2016/2017 season consists of 20 great clubs, such as Manchester United, Arsenal, Chelsea and others. Rights to broadcast English Premier League is very expensive even this is the most expensive in the world.

    Premium TV channels from different countries around the world many of which broadcast it.
    And there is also a channel which broadcast Feed AsiaSat 5.

    Here is the code for the satellite feed channel on AsiaSat 5:
    English Premier League (EPL) Feed Channel Key on Asiasat 5 Satellite
    Name of Satelllite: Asiasat 5 at 100.5�E
    Channel Name: IMG ASIA
    Frequency: 3700
    Polarity: V
    Symbol Rate: 30000
    Receiver Type: Mpeg4/Hd/Tandberg
    ECM KEY Tandberg Code: D6 B8 F6 4C 9A D2 C0 00

    Wednesday, July 27, 2016

    Latest Keys for Discovery Network and Animal Planet

    Discovery Networks/Animal Planet/SCIENCE...Channels  12360 V 27500 5/6 Astra 4A (4.88E)
    P 0640 00 D0441F1802718D ;Disney Channel Hungary & Czechia,12360 V 27500 (4.8E)
    P 0640 01 00A9925CDB7554 ;Disney Channel Hungary & Czechia,12360 V 27500 (4.8E)
    P 0C80 00 D0441F1802718D ;Investigation Discovery Hungary
    P 0C80 01 00A9925CDB7554 ;Investigation Discovery Hungary
    P 12C0 00 D0441F1802718D ;Discovery Channel Romania
    P 12C0 01 00A9925CDB7554 ;Discovery Channel Romania
    P 1900 00 D0441F1802718D ;TLC Ukraine info card
    P 1900 01 00A9925CDB7554 ;TLC Ukraine info card
    P 1F40 00 D0441F1802718D ;Discovery Science Polska
    P 1F40 01 00A9925CDB7554 ;Discovery Science Polska
    P 2580 00 D0441F1802718D ;Turbo Xtra Poland
    P 2580 01 00A9925CDB7554 ;Turbo Xtra Poland
    P 2BC0 00 D0441F1802718D ;Discovery Channel Bulgaria
    P 2BC0 01 00A9925CDB7554 ;Discovery Channel Bulgaria
    P 3200 00 D0441F1802718D ;TLC Balkans
    P 3200 01 00A9925CDB7554 ;TLC Balkans
    P 3840 00 D0441F1802718D ;Discovery Channel Ukraine
    P 3840 01 00A9925CDB7554 ;Discovery Channel Ukraine
    P 3E80 00 D0441F1802718D ;TLC Hungary
    P 3E80 01 00A9925CDB7554 ;TLC Hungary
    P 6400 00 D0441F1802718D ;Investigation Discovery Sverige
    P 6400 01 00A9925CDB7554 ;Investigation Discovery Sverige
    P 6A40 00 D0441F1802718D ;Animal Planet Poland HD
    P 6A40 01 00A9925CDB7554 ;Animal Planet Poland HD
    P 7080 00 D0441F1802718D ;test card
    P 7080 01 00A9925CDB7554 ;test card
    P 8340 00 D0441F1802718D ;Investigation Discovery Poland
    P 8340 01 00A9925CDB7554 ;Investigation Discovery Poland
    P 8980 00 D0441F1802718D ;Discovery Channel Sweden
    P 8980 01 00A9925CDB7554 ;Discovery Channel Sweden
    P 8FC0 00 D0441F1802718D ;Discovery Science Turkey
    P 8FC0 01 00A9925CDB7554 ;Discovery Science Turkey
    P 9600 00 D0441F1802718D ;Animal Planet Turkey
    P 9600 01 00A9925CDB7554 ;Animal Planet Turkey
    P C1C0 00 D0441F1802718D ;TLC Poland HD
    P C1C0 01 00A9925CDB7554 ;TLC Poland HD
    P CE40 00 D0441F1802718D ;TLC Pan Regional
    P CE40 01 00A9925CDB7554 ;TLC Pan Regional
    P 125C 00 D0441F1802718D ;Eurosport 2 Wimbledon HD 4.8E
    P 125C 01 00A9925CDB7554 ;Eurosport 2 Wimbledon HD 4.8E

    Discovery Networks/Animal Planet/SCIENCE...Channels 12303 V 27500 5/6 5/6 Thor 6  (0.88W)
    P 0514 00 D0441F1802718D ;HISTORIA POLAND,12303 V 27500 (1W)
    P 0514 01 00A9925CDB7554 ;HISTORIA POLAND,12303 V 27500 (1W)
    P 0578 00 D0441F1802718D ;DISCOVERY IBERIA
    P 0578 01 00A9925CDB7554 ;DISCOVERY IBERIA
    P 0579 00 D0441F1802718D ;DISCOVERY SPAIN
    P 0579 01 00A9925CDB7554 ;DISCOVERY SPAIN
    P 057A 00 D0441F1802718D ;DISCOVERY PORTUGAL
    P 057A 01 00A9925CDB7554 ;DISCOVERY PORTUGAL
    P 09C5 00 D0441F1802718D ;DISCOVERY HD CZECH/HUN
    P 09C5 01 00A9925CDB7554 ;DISCOVERY HD CZECH/HUN
    P 09C6 00 D0441F1802718D ;DISCOVERY HD RUSSIA
    P 09C6 01 00A9925CDB7554 ;DISCOVERY HD RUSSIA
    P 09C7 00 D0441F1802718D ;DISCOVERY HD CZECH
    P 09C7 01 00A9925CDB7554 ;DISCOVERY HD CZECH
    P 09C8 00 D0441F1802718D ;DISCOVERY HD TURKISH
    P 09C8 01 00A9925CDB7554 ;DISCOVERY HD TURKISH
    P 09C9 00 D0441F1802718D ;DISOVERY HD HUNGARIAN
    P 09C9 01 00A9925CDB7554 ;DISOVERY HD HUNGARIAN
    P 0A28 00 D0441F1802718D ;ANIMAL PLANET HD
    P 0A28 01 00A9925CDB7554 ;ANIMAL PLANET HD
    P 0A29 00 D0441F1802718D ;ANIMAL PLANET HD POLISH
    P 0A29 01 00A9925CDB7554 ;ANIMAL PLANET HD POLISH
    P 0A2A 00 D0441F1802718D ;ANIMAL PLANET HD RUSSIAN
    P 0A2B 00 D0441F1802718D ;ANIMAL PLANET HD CZECH
    P 0A2B 01 00A9925CDB7554 ;ANIMAL PLANET HD CZECH
    P 0A2C 00 D0441F1802718D ;ANIMAL PLANET HD TURKISH
    P 0A2E 00 D0441F1802718D ;ANIMAL PLANET HD
    P 0A2E 01 00A9925CDB7554 ;ANIMAL PLANET HD
    P 0A8C 00 D0441F1802718D ;ID XTRA EUROPE HD
    P 0A8C 01 00A9925CDB7554 ;ID XTRA EUROPE HD
    P 0A8D 00 D0441F1802718D ;ID XTRA EUROPE HD
    P 0A8D 01 00A9925CDB7554 ;ID XTRA EUROPE HD
    P 0AF0 00 D0441F1802718D ;DISCOVERY POLAND HD
    P 0AF0 01 00A9925CDB7554 ;DISCOVERY POLAND HD
    P 0BB8 00 D0441F1802718D ;DTX
    P 0BB8 01 00A9925CDB7554 ;DTX
    P 0BB9 00 D0441F1802718D ;DTX
    P 0BB9 01 00A9925CDB7554 ;DTX
    P 0C1C 00 D0441F1802718D ;TLC POLAND HD
    P 0C1C 01 00A9925CDB7554 ;TLC POLAND HD
    P 0C80 00 D0441F1802718D ;SCIENCE EUROPE HD
    P 0C80 01 00A9925CDB7554 ;SCIENCE EUROPE HD
    P 0C82 00 D0441F1802718D ;SCIENCE EUROPE HD TURKISH
    P 0C83 00 D0441F1802718D ;SCIENCE EUROPE HD RUSSIAN
    P 0C84 00 D0441F1802718D ;SCIENCE EUROPE HD CZECH
    P 0C84 01 00A9925CDB7554 ;SCIENCE EUROPE HD CZECH

    HBO CineMax Channels Keys on Amos 2 (4.0W)

    HBO CineMax Channels 10935 H 13750 5/6 Amos 2 (4.08W)
    P 0020 00 0AD6CA94338D4E ;HBO Hungary,10935 H 13750 (4W)
    P 0020 01 D94AEC5699FA49 ;HBO Hungary,10935 H 13750 (4W)
    P 0140 00 0AD6CA94338D4E ;HBO Hungary Original Audio
    P 0140 01 D94AEC5699FA49 ;HBO Hungary Original Audio
    P 02A0 00 0AD6CA94338D4E ;HBO3 Hungary
    P 02A0 01 D94AEC5699FA49 ;HBO3 Hungary
    P 0310 00 0AD6CA94338D4E ;HBO 3 Central Europe
    P 0310 01 D94AEC5699FA49 ;HBO 3 Central Europe
    P 0330 00 0AD6CA94338D4E ;HBO3 Hungary/Czech
    P 0330 01 D94AEC5699FA49 ;HBO3 Hungary/Czech
    P 0340 00 0AD6CA94338D4E ;HBO Hungary (AC3)
    P 0340 01 D94AEC5699FA49 ;HBO Hungary (AC3)
    P 0C90 00 0AD6CA94338D4E ;HBO2 Hungary
    P 0C90 01 D94AEC5699FA49 ;HBO2 Hungary
    P 0CA0 00 0AD6CA94338D4E ;HBO2 Czech
    P 0CA0 01 D94AEC5699FA49 ;HBO2 Czech
    P 0CB0 00 0AD6CA94338D4E ;HBO2 OrigHu
    P 0CB0 01 D94AEC5699FA49 ;HBO2 OrigHu
    P 0CC0 00 0AD6CA94338D4E ;HBO 2 Central Europe
    P 0CC0 01 D94AEC5699FA49 ;HBO 2 Central Europe
    P 0E60 00 0AD6CA94338D4E ;Cinemax International
    P 0E60 01 D94AEC5699FA49 ;Cinemax International
    P 0E70 00 0AD6CA94338D4E ;Cinemax (Hungary)
    P 0E70 01 D94AEC5699FA49 ;Cinemax (Hungary)
    P 0E90 00 0AD6CA94338D4E ;Cinemax Poland
    P 0E90 01 D94AEC5699FA49 ;Cinemax Poland
    P 0EC0 00 0AD6CA94338D4E ;Cinemax International 2
    P 0EC0 01 D94AEC5699FA49 ;Cinemax International 2
    P 0F10 00 0AD6CA94338D4E ;Cinemax 2 Europe
    P 0F10 01 D94AEC5699FA49 ;Cinemax 2 Europe
    P 0F30 00 0AD6CA94338D4E ;Cinemax 2 Poland
    P 0F30 01 D94AEC5699FA49 ;Cinemax 2 Poland
    P 0F60 00 0AD6CA94338D4E ;Cinemax 2 International
    P 0F60 01 D94AEC5699FA49 ;Cinemax 2 International
    P 0FB0 00 0AD6CA94338D4E ;Cinemax 2 Hungary/Czech (4W)
    P 0FB0 01 D94AEC5699FA49 ;Cinemax 2 Hungary/Czech (4W)

    Thursday, June 30, 2016

    ECM Key Tandberg Code For Discovery HD World India Channel

    Below is the code ECM Key Tandberg 's Channel Discovery HD World India Channel which broadcasts a program about the world of flora and fauna .
    The premium channel is in Measat Satellite 3 @ 91.5 � E .
    You can lock this broadcast on a transponders and freuency following :

    Channel Name: Discovery HD World India
    Satellite Name: Measat 3 (91,5 BT)
    Frequency: 4000
    Polarity: H
    Symbol Rate: 29700 (C Band)
    ID: DHD - India
    Receiver Type: Mpeg4/Hd/Tandberg
    ECM Key Tandberg Code : EA A7 0F A0 F4 4A 4A 88

    Channel Name: Discovery Science
    Satellite Name: Intelsat20@68'5E
    PowerVu Keys Code:
    0 : 1B6D 8544 649F 0B
    1 : 9710 BD1B BDD4 08

    Monday, June 27, 2016

    Latest Softcam Keys 27.06.2016

    SIS-Live Next Keys Fix (4.8�E)
    Discovery/Animal-Europe (4.8�E)
    Discovery Networks/Animal (0.8�W)
    HBO/CineMax...Channels (4.0�W)
    MBC Feed (MASR) (21.6�E)
    SRTV Feed (16.0�E
    Fightbox HD & Da Vinci Learning HD Fix
    PowerVu Next Keys Fix
    BulsatCom (39.0�E) Next Keys Fix
    Ant-1/Le bouquet de Canal(39.0/26.0E)
    SRG SSR (13.0�E)
    Cablecom Swiss(7301 Cable)
    UPC DIRECT (0.8�W)
    Biss FULL *All Full Keys Updated :Click Here

    Saturday, May 28, 2016

    PowerVu Code of AFN Sports Channel and The Latest Frequency

    AFN Sport is a TV channel that broadcasts a variety of programs about live sports such as football , athletics and others. The latest frequency of AFN Sports Channel on Intelsat 906 Satellite and the ECM Key code.

    Directions Position Satellite Intelsat 906 is parallel to the Intelsat 20 Satellite.

    Below is the code for the Channel AFN Sports PowerVu Key:

    Channel Name: AFN Sports
    Satellite Name: Intelsat 906 @ 64.2�E & Intelsat 18 @ 180.0�E
    Frequency: 3753
    Polarity: H
    Symbol Rate: 30000
    Receiver: Mpg4 and DVBS2/powervu
    PowerVu Keys:
    ECM Key 00: D0 F3 79 8C 14 28 15
    ECM Key 01: DD 11 FD 53 F5 4F F0
    And than on Eutelsat 9.0�E Satellite
    Name Of Channels:
    • AFN Sports 1
    • AFN Sports 2
    • AFN Atlantic
    • AFN News
    • 11766-V-27500
    • 11804-V-27500
    PowerVu Keys:
    ECM Key 00: A4 DE9F FE2C 3708
    ECM Key 01: C9 A1E5 2200 9679  

    Koreasat 5
    12590 V 30000

    Tuesday, May 3, 2016

    Latest channel list from Paksat


    1. 8XM 38.0�E Paksat 1RC
    2. 92 News 38.0�E Paksat 1R
    3.A plus 105.5�E AsiaSat 7 C
    4.Aaj News 38.0�E Paksat 1R C
    5.Abb Takk 38.0�E Paksat 1R C
    6.AJK TV 38.0�E Paksat 1R
    7.Apna Channel 38.0�E Paksat 1
    8.Aruj TV 38.0�E Paksat 1R C
    9.ARY Digital Asia 105.5�E AsiaSat 7
    10.ARY Musik 105.5�E AsiaSat 7 C
    11.ARY News Pakistan 105.5�E AsiaSat 7 C
    12.ARY News UK & Europe 28.2�E Astra 2G Europe Ku
    13.ARY QTV
    105.5�E AsiaSat 7 C
    28.5�E Astra 2E UK
    14.ARY Zindagi 105.5�E AsiaSat 7 C
    15.Attar TV 105.5�E AsiaSat 7 C
    16.ATV 38.0�E Paksat 1R C
    17.AVT Khyber
    105.5�E AsiaSat 7 C
    38.0�E Paksat 1R C
    18.Awaz TV Network 38.0�E Paksat 1R C
    19.Azad Movies 105.5�E AsiaSat 7 C
    20.B24 105.5�E AsiaSat 7
    21.Business Plus 38.0�E Paksat 1R C
    22.Capital TV 38.0�E Paksat 1R C
    23.Champion TV 105.5�E AsiaSat 7 C
    24.Channel 24 38.0�E Paksat 1R
    25.Channel Five 38.0�E Paksat 1R C
    26.Cinema 1 105.5�E AsiaSat 7 C
    27.City 42 38.0�E Paksat 1R C
    28.Dawn News 38.0�E Paksat 1R C
    29.Dharti TV 38.0�E Paksat 1R C
    30.Dil TV 38.0�E Paksat 1R C
    31.Din News TV 38.0�E Paksat 1R C
    32.Dua Channel 7.3�W Eutelsat 7 West A MENA
    33.Dunya Entertainment 38.0�E Paksat 1R C
    34.Dunya News 68.5�E Intelsat 20
    35.Dunya News USA 28.5�E Astra 2E UK
    36.Entertainment TV 105.5�E AsiaSat 7 C
    37.Express Entertainment 68.5�E Intelsat 20 Landmass H
    38.Express News 68.5�E Intelsat 20 Landmass H
    39.Falak TV 105.5�E AsiaSat 7 C
    40.FilmAsia 105.5�E AsiaSat 7 C
    41.Geo News 38.0�E Paksat 1R C
    42.Geo News International 28.2�E Astra 2G Europe Ku
    43.Geo Tez
    38.0�E Paksat 1R C
    28.2�E Astra 2G Europe Ku
    44.GR 8 105.5�E AsiaSat 7 C
    45.Hadi TV 1
    105.5�E AsiaSat 7 C
    13.0�E Eutelsat Hot Bird 13C Wide
    46.Hadi TV 2
    100.5�E AsiaSat 5 C
    13.0�E Eutelsat Hot Bird 13C Wide
    47.Hadi TV 3 13.0�E Eutelsat Hot Bird 13C Wide
    48.Hadi TV 4 13.0�E Eutelsat Hot Bird 13C Wide
    49.Hadi TV 5 68.5�E Intelsat 20 Europe & Africa
    50.Health TV 38.0�E Paksat 1R C
    51.Hope TV 38.0�E Paksat 1R C
    52.Hum News 105.5�E AsiaSat 7 C
    53.Hum Sitaray 105.5�E AsiaSat 7 C
    54.Hum TV 105.5�E AsiaSat 7
    55.Hum TV Europe 28.2�E Astra 2G Europe Ku
    56.Hum TV World 105.5�E AsiaSat 7 C
    57.Indus Vision 38.0�E Paksat 1R C
    58.Isaac TV 105.5�E AsiaSat 7 C
    59.Jaag TV 68.5�E Intelsat 20 Landmass
    60.Jalwa 38.0�E Paksat 1R C
    61.Jan TV 105.5�E AsiaSat 7 C
    62.Jesus Christ TV Pakistan 76.5�E Apstar 7 C
    63.Joo Music 105.5�E AsiaSat 7 C
    64.K21 News 38.0�E Paksat 1R C
    65.Kashish 38.0�E Paksat 1R C
    66.Kay 2
    105.5�E AsiaSat 7 C
    38.0�E Paksat 1R C
    67.Khyber News
    105.5�E AsiaSat 7 C
    38.0�E Paksat 1R C
    68.Kohenoor News 38.0�E Paksat 1R C
    69.KTN Entertainment 38.0�E Paksat 1R C
    70.KTN News 38.0�E Paksat 1R C
    71.Lights Asia 68.5�E Intelsat 20 Landmass H
    72.Lollywood Movies 105.5�E AsiaSat 7 C
    73.Madani Channel
    105.5�E AsiaSat 7 C
    68.5�E Intelsat 20 Europe & Africa H
    28.2�E Astra 2G Europe Kum
    7.3�W Eutelsat 7 West A MENA
    97.0�W Galaxy 19 K
    78.Masala TV 105.5�E AsiaSat 7 C
    79.Mehran TV 38.0�E Paksat 1R C
    80.Metro 1 News 38.0�E Paksat 1R C
    81.Minhaj TV 7.3�W Eutelsat 7 West A MENA
    82.Music Box 105.5�E AsiaSat 7 C
    83.Neo TV Network 38.0�E Paksat 1R
    84.News One 38.0�E Paksat 1R C
    85.On TV 38.0�E Paksat 1R
    86.Oxygene 105.5�E AsiaSat 7 C
    87.Paigham TV Pashto 105.5�E AsiaSat 7 C
    88.Paigham TV Urdu 105.5�E AsiaSat 7 C
    89.Pashto 1 105.5�E AsiaSaT7
    90.Pearl TV 105.5�E AsiaSat 7 C
    91.Play Entertainment 38.0�E Paksat 1R C
    92.Prime Asia TV 105.5�E AsiaSat 7 C
    93.PTV Bolan 38.0�E Paksat 1R C
    94.PTV Global
    105.5�E AsiaSat 7 C
    38.0�E Paksat 1R C
    28.2�E Astra 2G Europe Ku
    9.0�E Eutelsat 9B Wide
    95.PTV Home 38.0�E Paksat 1R C
    96.PTV National 38.0�E Paksat 1R C
    97.PTV News 38.0�E Paksat 1R C
    98.PTV World
    105.5�E AsiaSat 7 C
    38.0�E Paksat 1R C
    99.Punjab TV 38.0�E Paksat 1R C
    100.Raavi TV 38.0�E Paksat 1R C
    101.Rhythm TV 105.5�E AsiaSat 7 C
    102.Rohi TV 38.0�E Paksat 1R C
    103.Royal News 24/7 38.0�E Paksat 1R C
    104.Roze News 38.0�E Paksat 1R C
    105.Sabaoon TV 105.5�E AsiaSat 7 C
    106.Sabzbaat Balochistan 105.5�E AsiaSat 7 C
    107.Samaa TV
    68.5�E Intelsat 20 Landmass H
    28.2�E Astra 2G Europe Ku
    108.Sargam TV 105.5�E AsiaSat 7 C
    109.See TV 38.0�E Paksat 1R C
    110.Shop Now 105.5�E AsiaSat 7 C
    111.Silver Screen 105.5�E AsiaSat 7 C
    112.Sindh TV 38.0�E Paksat 1R C
    113.Sindh TV News 38.0�E Paksat 1R C
    114.Starlite TV 105.5�E AsiaSat 7 C
    115.StarMax 105.5�E AsiaSat 7 C
    116.Such TV 105.5�E AsiaSat 7 C
    117.Times 68.5�E Intelsat 20 Landmass H
    118.TV One Global 38.0�E Paksat 1R C
    119.UniPlus 105.5�E AsiaSat 7 C
    120.Vibe TV 38.0�E Paksat 1R C
    121.VSH News 38.0�E Paksat 1R C
    122.VUTV 1 38.0�E Paksat 1R C
    123.VUTV 2 38.0�E Paksat 1R C
    124.VUTV 3 38.0�E Paksat 1R C
    125.VUTV 4 38.0�E Paksat 1R C
    126.WAQT News 38.0�E Paksat 1R C
    127.Waseb TV 38.0�E Paksat 1R C
    128.Zeenat TV 38.0�E Paksat 1R C
    129.Zindagi TV 38.0�E Paksat 1R C
    130.PTV sports 38E PAKSAT1R

    Thursday, April 7, 2016

    Geo Network Has Shifted On Paksat 1R With New Frequency

    Recently Geo news has shifted on Paksat 1R satellite. Geo News is one of the popular news channel in Pakistan. Before Geo News was telecasting from Asiasat 3s. but on 2nd April 2016 it just took place on Paksat 1R.

    New frequency parameters of Geo News on Paksat 1R:

    Frequency: 3729/29720
    Polarity: 2800

    Geo Tv HD and Geo Kahani is Free To Air on Paksat

    GEO TV --- FULL HD


    GEO NEWS  ---MPEG-4

    GEO TEZ ---MPEG-4


    AAG TV---MPEG-4

    Wednesday, March 30, 2016

    Latest Softcam Keys 28.03.2016

    softcam Keys


                IRDETO 2 ACTIVE KEYS
    { BULSATCOM } HellasSat 2 (39.0�E)
    CAID: 0604
    Ident: 0000
    Key 06: 72 89 EB D3 7D 71 F1 08 C6 D4 EA 3D C8 E3 4E 53 --->Active Key
    DEC: 114 137 235 211 125 113 241 008 198 212 234 061 200 227 078 083

                VIACCESS 1 ACTIVE KEYS
    { GLOBECAST FRANCE } Atlantic Bird 3 (5.0�W)
    Ident: 001C10
    DEC: 000 028 016
    Key 08: 03 A8 57 61 0B 5F 12 69 --->Active Key
    DEC: 003 168 087 097 011 095 018 105
    { MEZZO } Hotbird 13D (13.0�E)
    Ident: 007400 
    DEC: 000 116 000 
    Key 08: 2F B6 02 39 D4 D8 C4 D6 --->Active Key
    DEC: 047 182 002 057 212 216 196 214 

                VIACCESS 2 ACTIVE KEYS
    { ANT-1 EUROPE } Eurobird 9A (9.0�E)
    Ident: 021110
    DEC: 002 017 016
    Key 08: 35 F6 B9 21 7C 2B A8 3F 38 C3 C1 FD 23 A5 D3 21 --->Active Key
    246 185 033 124 043 168 063 056 195 193 253 035 165 211 033
    { SRG SSR SWISS } Hotbird 13B-13C (13.0�E)
    Ident: 023800
    DEC: 002 056 000
    Key 08: 95 5C F3 C9 28 00 F3 9F 54 B9 30 05 DF 82 6D BF --->Active Key
    DEC: 149 092 243 201 040 000 243 159 084 185 048 005 223 130 109 191

    { VIASAT } Astra 4A (4.8�E)
    CAID: 090F & 093E
    Ident: 000000
    HEX 00: 1585C5E4B852ECF7C3D908BA224A66F282154FB218486397DC19D8519A39
    FCCA1C24D065A9662DD6533B86BA40EA4C6DD91E4114FE15AFC318C5F8A7A8010001 --->Active Key

                 CRYPTOWORKS KEYS
    { UPC DIRECT } Thor 5/6 (0.8�W)
    Pro Ident: 0D02A0
    DEC: 013 002 160
    Key 00: 30 72 49 C2 E6 CA 1B FC 69 8C 79 B4 C6 4E 81 0C --->Active K�y
    DEC: 048 114 073 194 230 202 027 252 105 140 121 180 198 078 129 012
    Key 06: C4 FF B3 30 79 5B --->System Card K�y
    DEC: 196 255 179 048 121 091

    { UNITYMEDIA CABLE TV } German Cable TV
    Ident: 1102
    DEC: 017 002
    Key 00-0: F8 78 0E CD 86 2D 14 3B 
    DEC: 248 120 014 205 134 045 020 059 
    Key 00-1: 9B 23 EC FF CB B8 72 A4
    DEC: 155 035 236 255 203 184 114 164
    { DIGI TV CABLU } Romania Cable TV
    Ident: 2111
    DEC: 033 017
    Key 01-0: 10 F5 DB 01 64 6F D8 85 
    DEC: 016 245 219 001 100 111 216 133 
    Key 01-1: 2C 0B CC A1 60 F0 B3 37
    DEC: 044 011 204 161 096 240 179 055
    { MUNDA GALICIA } Spain Cable TV
    Ident: 4B11
    DEC: 075 017 
    Key 00-0: 6B F9 BC 50 19 AD 97 31  
    DEC: 107 249 188 080 025 173 151 049  
    Key 00-1: CA DD 0C 11 F7 01 CC FA
    DEC: 202 221 012 017 247 001 204 250
    { CABLECOM SWISS } Switzerland Cable TV
    Ident: 7301
    DEC: 115 001
    Key 01-0: FE 0C 20 0B 4B 1D 33 02 
    DEC: 254 012 032 011 075 029 051 002
    Key 01-1: CA 10 71 33 D7 77 1D 79
    DEC: 202 016 113 051 215 119 029 121

    Thursday, January 21, 2016

    ICC T20 Cricket World Cup Schedule | Time Table | Fixtures

    ICC T20 World Cup 2016 Schedule, Time Table, Fixtures, Teams, ICC T20 WC Live Streaming Score-

    ICC T20 World Cup 2016 Teams & Groups
    First round (group winners to progress to second round)
    Group A � Bangladesh, Netherlands, Ireland and Oman
    Group B � Zimbabwe, Scotland, Hong Kong and Afghanistan

    ICC T20 World Cup Schedule | Time Table | Fixtures