Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Biss key geo super on Paksat 1R

Geo super is now on biss key on Paksat 1R

Geo super is pakistan's 1st Sports channel which is officially launched by Geo Network. This channel telecast all sports events including cricket in Pakistan and Middle east. Before the launching of Ptv Sports, Geo Super telecast all major sports events for viewers in Pakistan and middle east. The encryption system of this channel was conax in 2013 but in 2014 this channel is now on Biss key which is a 16-digit code.

Geo Super Paksat 1R Biss Key
Geo ME � Geo Super 4105 V 2310 PakSat 1R 38�E SID:000B � 08.08.2014
Biss Key : 10 6C F9 75 BC 5B 4F 66

Note: Geo Super is temporarily on Biss key and may be some of the receivers could not decode it.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Ptv Network Package Biss Keys on Paksat 1R

PTV Network Channels Package on Paksat 1R

Pakistan Television Corporation is Pakistan first Channel Network which was founded in November 26, 1964; 49 years ago.PTV  is a public and commercial 
broadcasting television network, as well as a mass-media state-owned megacorporation, headquarters at Islamabad, Pakistan by an international-sector 
organization NEC under license from the Government of Pakistan.
There are Six Channels(PTV Home, PTV News, PTV Global, PTv Bolan, PTV Sports, PTV National, AJK and PTV World) telecasting under PtV Network.
PTV Sports, PTV Home (named as K Feed), PTV Bolan (named as PTV K Lat) are encrypted channels and there encryption system is 
Biss (Basic Interoperable Scrambling System) a 12-Digit  code, which can be found on Internet.
Biss Key for PTV Network on Paksat 1R..

Frequency detalis: -04.08.2014 
PTV SPORT 4004 v 3333  :Biss Key : B2 E4 D3 CC F6 F7 A4 CC

PTVK FEED 4055 V 6999 :Biss Key : 000000000007868D 

PTVK LAT 4055 V 6999 :Biss Key: 078666F3229110C3