Today i am going to give you a tutorial on how to allign Insat 3A/4B at 93.5 Which is a KU band satellite and was launched in 2007.Insat 4B is Providing
Quality signals to all over India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and afghanistan. There are 5 Ku Band Tps(frequencies) running on Insat 3A/4B.
Notebook with Pen.Before moving ahead you have to turn your dish antena between South and East because you will find Insat 3A/4B at 93.5East near Asiasat 3s.
you can also set Insat 3A/4B with Asiasat 3s at 105.5 on single 4feet dish antena.
1. connect Dish Receiver with Television through Multimedia cables.
2. Now connect one end of Coaxial cable with Dish receiver and 2nd end with LNB.
3. before moving ahead you have to made some changes in Satellite receiver.
4. visit nearest Dish antena's shop and ask him to feed all Insat 3A/4B channels.because it will help you to find signals, you can also use strong frequency to find channel signals.
->Open Satellite Receiver Menu
->Add a satellite in Receiver and named it Insat 4A/4B at 93.5East
->Lnb Type=Universal
->Lnb frequency=9750-10500
->Diseqc Switch=Port 1 (Diseqc switch should not be connected to the dish).thats it save your settings.
5. Satellite receiver settings (as i mentioned above) could be changed from receiver to receiver.
6. Now tune your tv to DD Sports or DD National in order to find signals from can also use strong frequency to find signals.Please visit Strong Frequencies
Frequrencies to find strong tp for Insat 3A/4B.
8. so the elevation angle of your Dish antena should be between 43. degree to 47 degree, according to your area/place.for more information about elevation
angle please click:Sat-direction
9. Now tight Dish antena's lnb skew at -27.7 degree (anticlockwise). thats all, now sit back and take a cup of tea because you have done your 50% work.
10. now you are ready to search Insat 3A/4B .make sure each and every step should be clear before searching the satellite.
11. move your dish in a Zigzag way(up down left right). keep in mind that the direction of your Dish antena should be between East and South.
12. Keep moving your Dish antenain a zigzag way. surely you will get signals from Insat 3A/4B.